I am Karim Azarbayejani in 1984 A.D. I graduated from university of Isfahan with bachelor's degree in economics. Also in 1988 A.D. I managed to obtain a master's degree in International Economics, And 1988 A.D. I was employed as a faculty member of the Administrative sciences and Economics of university of Isfahan. In 1995 A.D. I graduated from Tehran Azad university in The field of International Economics. During the years of Teaching at the university of Isfahan I have had research Cooperation with executive organizations including Mobarakeh steel company, Ministry of Economy and finance and The Ministry of Industries Mines and Trade,....Finally as a result of my Scientific and research activities in 2012 A.D. I was promoted To The rank of full professor of economics.
International Trade and Finance Economy and Productivity Economic Integration and Convergence Industrial Economy Evaluation of Economic Firms
University of Tehran Azad [Tehran- Iran]
Ph.D., International Economics
University of Isfahan [Isfahan- Iran]
M.Sc. , International Economics
University of Isfahan [Isfahan- Iran]
B.Sc. , Economics
My research interests lie primarily in the area of International Trade and Finance, Economy and Productivity, Economic Integration and Convergence, Industrial Economy and Evaluation of Economic Firms.
Charkh, S., Googerdchian, A., Azarbayejani, K., & Jahaniyan, S. (2023). Effects of Utilizing Unilateral Trade Preferences on Foreign Direct Investment Flows in Iran. Iranian Journal of Economic Studies, 11(2), 399- 425.
Albaji, Y., Azarbayejani, K., & Daei-Karimzadeh, S. (2024). The Response of Iranian Economy to Monetary and Exchange Rate Policies Shocks base on the Foreign Sector: A Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Analysis. Quarterly Journal of Quantitative economics, 20(4), 1-37.
Hamidi, N., Azarbayejani, K., & Sameti, M. (2023). The Key to Solve the Corruption problem: Gender, Government, Religionsand Their Impact on Each Other. The Economic Research, 23(2), 145- 168.
Esfahani, A., Ghobadi, S., & Azarbayejani, K. (2022). An Analysis of the Relationship between Economic Growth, Energy Consumption, and Ecological Footprint in Some Selected Developed and Developing Countries. The Economic Research, 22(4), 203- 232.
Azarbayejani, K., Torki, L., & Abdolahi, M. (2022). Assessment and Analysis of Stock Market Integration Among the Countries of the D8 Group. International Journal of New Political Economy, 3(2), 69- 99.
Sarkhosh-Sara, A., Nasrollahi, K., Azarbayejani, K., & Jamalmanesh, A. (2022). Testing Piketty’s Hypothesis in Analyzing Factors Affecting Income Inequality in Iran: Stock-Flow Consistent (SFC) Approach. Iranian Economic Review, 26(3), 611- 636.
Seyed Salehi, S., Sameti,M., Azarbayejani, K., Basirat, M.(2021).Analysis of Government Revenues in a Small Oil-Exporting Economy by Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) Method.Journal of Tax Research 29 (51), 33- 64.
Seyed Salehi, S., Sameti, M., Azarbayejani, K., & Basirat, M. (2021). Analysis of Government Revenues in a Small Oil-Exporting Economy by Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) Method. Journal of Tax Research, 29(51), 33- 64.
Baktash, F., Azarbayejani, K., Kiani, G., & Daeikarimzadeh, S. (2020). Estimating Economical Value Of Agriculture Water Using Production Function And Gardner Method (A Case Study In North Khouzestan District).Iranian Water Research Journal 14 (237), 145- 157.
Sarkhosh Sara, A., Nasrollahi, K., Azarbayejani, K., & Bakhsi Dastjerdi, R. (2020). Analysis of the Factors Affecting Income Inequality in Iran in the Framework of Thomas Piketty's Perspective: Structural VAR Approach. Quarterly Journal of Economic Growth and Development Research, 10(39), 29- 54.
Tayebi, S. K., Azarbayejani, K., & Manouchehri, S. (2017). Effects of International Outsourcing and High-tech Capital on Total Factor Productivity: The Case of Iran’s High-tech Industries. Development Research, 7(25), 17- 36.
Azarbayejani, K., Tayebi, S., & Safa Dargiri, H. (2015). The Effect of US and EU Economic Sanctions on Bilateral Trade Flows between Iran and its Major Trading Partners: an Application of Gravity Model. Journal of Economic Research, 50(3), 539- 62.
Ebrahimi, N., Azarbayejani, K., & Tayebi, S. K. (2015). The Impacts of Tariff and Non-Tariff Barriers on Manufacturing Trade in Iran. Journal of Econometric Modelling, 1(3), 1- 21.
Daee Karimzadeh, S., & Azarbayejani, K. (2014). Test of Income Convergence in D-8 Countries Based on Unit Root Test in Non-linear Framework. Iranian Journal of Trade Studies, 18(70), 113- 131.
Azarbayejani, K., Ranjbar, H., & Shoaei, F. (2014). Commercial Achievements in Concluding Free Trade Agreements between Selected Countries of MENA and ASEAN Bloc (Case Study: Iran). Iranian Journal of Trade Studies, 18(69), 1- 22.
Etebarian, A., Azarbayejani, K., Salehizadeh, S., & Honarmand, A. (2013). Factors Influencing on Productivity of Staff based on ACHIEVE Model A Case Study: Staff of Dr. Shariati Hospital of Isfahan, Iran. Health Information Management, 9(7), 1047- 1057.
Poorgharib, M., Abzari, M., & Azarbayejani, K. (2013). The Relationship between Self-Esteem, Organizational Attachment, and Perceptions of Quality of Work Life in Jahad-e-Keshavarzi Organization of Isfahan. International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences, 4(12), 4156- 4162.
Azarbayejani, K., Tayebi, S. K., & Honari, N. (2009). Determinants of the Labor Force Emigration in Iran (Text in Persian). Iranian Journal of Economic Research, 13(40), 59- 75.
Azarbayejani, K., Tayebi, S. K., & Honari, N. (2009). Effect Of Foreign Trade On Labor Force Migration: The Case Of Iran And Selected Oecd Countries.Economic Research Review.3, 41- 64.
Azarbayejani, K. ,Kouhy Esfahany.(2006).Measuring and Analyzing Efficiency and Productivity in Isfahan Province Banks by DEA Method. 3.
Azarbayejani, K., Chinaie,M .(2003).General Mathematics and its Application in Economics, Commerce and Management. Danesh Pazhohan Scientific Institute.
Azarbayejani, K.(2002).Population and Family Planning. University of Isfahan.
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Professional activities
working with SPSS and Eviews Statistical Software
Measuring and Analyzing The Productivity of Industries and Economic Firms
Determining the Location of Economic Firms
Associate Editor and Editor Board of Journal of Endowment & Charity Studies, University of Isfahan Membership in The Iron and Steel Association